(RADIATOR) Re: Fwd: Re: [Oz-ISP] AS5200's and IOS12.1

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Mar 5 22:41:36 CST 2002

Hello Everyone -

Here is a note regarding a Cisco IOS radius problem.



> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Re: [Oz-ISP] AS5200's and IOS12.1
> Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 13:14:27 +1100 (EST)
> From: auix at netlink.com.au
> To: heath at cci.net.au (Heath Jones)
> Cc: aussie-isp at aussie.net
> This sounds very much like a problem we had when upgrading an AS5300
> recently (it was actually from 12.0something to 12.2something)...
> Until we found the solution all dialup users were being disconnected
> according to their radius idle-timeout sessions, regardless of
> activity...
> The solution was that we had to actually specify an access-list for
> idle-timeouts (even if it was just 'let everything thru') as follows:
> Config Extract:
> !
> interface Group-Async1
>  ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  no logging event link-status
>  dialer in-band
>  dialer idle-timeout 2147483
>  dialer-group 1
>  async default routing
>  async dynamic address
>  async mode interactive
>  peer default ip address pool default
>  no fair-queue
>  ppp authentication pap chap ms-chap
>  ppp multilink
>  group-range 1 240
> !
> access-list 101 deny   icmp any any
> access-list 101 permit ip any any
> dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
> !
> This fixed it (and certainly wasn't necessary with the earlier IOS).
> hth, Peter Vaskess
> Netlink Connect
> > HAs anyone upgraded their 5200's to IOS 12.1 IP Plus?
> >
> > We're having a problem with the NAS's disconnecting user's for supposed
> > "Idle-Timeout"s. The problem is that it doesn't matter whether the user
> > is inactive or not they still get disconnected.
> >
> > I have spoken to a couple of people who have had this problem but as yet
> > noone seems to know a viable solution. I'd be interested in any
> > recommendations people have.
> ----
> email "unsubscribe aussie-isp" to majordomo at aussie.net to be removed.
> -------------------------------------------------------

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