(RADIATOR) error in Radiator installation

wilco heinneman wilco.heinneman at zoranet.nl
Thu Jun 27 07:03:34 CDT 2002

Hello Arnulfo,

On Linux-bases systems it is:


Kind regards,


Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Arnulfo -
> As the message indicates, you need Digest-MD5, not MD5-1.7.
> Which version of Perl are you using? And which C compiler?
> On Solaris, the best approach is usually to install Perl and gcc from:
> 	www.sunfreeware.com
> or alternatively, the Perl and Perl packages from ActiveState:
> 	www.activestate.com
> regards
> Hugh
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 18:15, Arnulfo Rojas Yanquen wrote:
>>We're installing the Radiator 3.1 using MD5-1.7 and Perl-5.6.1 in a Sun
>>machine (with Solaris 8). At the time of to do "make test" appear the
>>following message:
>>perl Makefile.PL
>>Warning: prerequisite Digest::MD5 failed to load: Can't locate
>>Digest/MD5.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
>>/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/sun4-solaris /usr/local/lib/perl 5/5.6.1
>>/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris /usr/local/lib/perl5/s
>>ite_perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at (eval 7) line 3.
>>Writing Makefile for Radius
>>Do you can helpme please?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>Arnulfo Rojas Yanquen.
>>arnulfo at express.net.co

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards

Wilco Heinneman
Technisch Directeur
Zoranet internet diensten b.v.

Hanzelaan 288a
8017 JJ  Zwolle

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