(RADIATOR) Adding an SQL based attribute before AuthBy SQLRADIUS

Sebastian Filzek sebastian at filzek.org
Mon Jun 24 08:13:00 CDT 2002

Hi Hugh,

I've tried a similar config to the one you suggested, however it only adds
the custom attribute to the outgoing access-accept replies back upstream to
the NAS, not to any packets to the downstream proxy radius.

Also, since we're using an AuthBy clause to add the custom attribs then
wouldn't they only be added to the access requests? I'm trying to modify all
radius packets (auth and acct) passed downstream to include the custom


> Hello Sebastian -
> Probably the simplest thing to do is have an AuthBy SQL clause before the
> AuthBy SQLRADIUS clause, something like this:
> # define AuthBy clauses
> <AuthBy SQL>
> Identifier GetCustomAttribute
> DBSource ....
> DBUsername ....
> DBAuth ....
> AuthSelect select ATTRIBUTE from ......
> AuthColumnDef 0, Custom-Attribute-Name, reply
> </AuthBy>
> Identifier ForwardToProxy
> .....
> </AuthBy>
> # define Realm or Handler
> <Handler>
> AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
> AuthBy GetCustomAttribute
> AuthBy ForwardToProxy
> .....
> </Handler>
> Of course the Custom-Attribute-Name must be defined in the dictionary.
> regards
> Hugh
> On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:36, Sebastian Filzek wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Quick question:
> >
> > I'm running a proxy radius server, and trying to add a custom attribute
> > (whos value must be fetched by SQL) to all auth/acct packets before they
> > are passed on using AuthBy SQLRADIUS.  Is there any way to do this
> > using a preauthhook?
> >
> > Any pointers/ideas appreciated.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sab.
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> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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