(RADIATOR) rewriting username and realm seperately

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Jun 13 06:41:46 CDT 2002

Hello Martin -

You have access to a variety of different forms of the username according to 
the special characters supported by Radiator. Have a look at section 6.2 in 
the Radiator 3.1 reference manual ("doc/ref.html").

However in this particular case it might be easier to write a PreClientHook 
that would add a couple of pseudo-attributes to the incoming request packet 
that you could then use directly in the AuthBy LDAP2 clause.

There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt" in the Radiator 



On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 18:15, Martin Schmachtel wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a need to authenticate users against an LDAP Directory, where
> the subtree depends on the realm the User authenticates with. IOW
> if a user authenticates as "user at foo.bar" I need to set BaseDN to "foo".
> This would be easily done with Rewrite_Username, but then the full
> username is gone and I need that in the search filter (the username is
> stored as "user at foo.bar" in the Directory.
> Any ideas how to do that? Is there a special variable that contains
> the unmodified username? Or is it possible to save the original username
> in a variable in PreProcessingHook and use it later in the search filter
> (ugly I know)? Need I do the LDAP query myself in preprocessinghook?
> Any other ideas?
> thanks in advance
> schmadde
> ===
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