(RADIATOR) Limiting connections using a custom dialer and UUNET setup

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Jul 18 20:48:22 CDT 2002

Hello Gilbert -

The OSC-AVPAIR is defined in the Radiator 3.1 dictionary.

You would use it like this:

	OSC-AVPAIR = "sometag = somestring"

It is completely up to you how you define and use "sometag = 
somestring" - it can be anything at all that suits your requirements. 
You can also have multiple OSC-AVPAIR's if required.



At 20:11 -0400 18/7/02, Gilbert Rebeiro wrote:
>I cannot find documentation on OSC-AVPAIR, can you direct me to some. Can
>you describe at a high level what/how the dialer program could send
>something special to radiator to identify itself?
>>  Hello Gilbert -
>>  We have recently introduced vendor-specific attributes for Radiator,
>>  so you could use the OSC-AVPAIR attribute to do this. If you are
>>  wnating to do something special with your own dialer, I suggest you
>>  write your own AuthBy module. You should start with the
>>  "Radius/AuthTEST.pm" module and refer to section 17 in the Radiator
>>  3.1 reference manual ("doc/ref.html").
>>  For your last point, this topic has been discussed on the mailing
>>  list, so check the archive site and do a search
>>  (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator).
>>  regards
>>  Hugh
>>  At 14:31 -0400 17/7/02, Gilbert Rebeiro wrote:
>>  >Hi,
>>  >    I will be developping a dialer and am looking for a radius server that
>>  >will allow me to make sure that my users will only be able to connect if
>>  >they use my dialer. Does or can Radiator do this? If so how? If I wanted
>>  >push updates and communicate with the dialer after the user auths can I
>>  >the Exec-Program. I guess I should use the & at the end of the program
>>  >invokecation.
>>  >
>>  >     Also I might use UUNET as a provider, are there any configs available
>>  >for complying with UUNET's 242 datafilters - for anti-spam?
>>  >
>>  >Thanks in advance.
>>  >Gilbert.
>>  >--
>>  >Distributed System Laboratory (http://dslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw)
>>  >Department of Electrical Engineering
>>  >National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
>>  >
>>  >===
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>>  >'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.
>>  --
>>  NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our
>>  Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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>Distributed System Laboratory (http://dslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw)
>Department of Electrical Engineering
>National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.


NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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