(RADIATOR) 'Drop' Intermin-Accounting

Frank Danielson fdanielson at dataonair.com
Thu Jul 18 10:26:54 CDT 2002

A simple way around it would be to use a handler that accepts the
Interim-Accounting requests and then another Handler to proxy the rest. We
are using this on a production system for similar purposes.
<Handler Acct-Status-Type=Alive>
  DefaultResult ACCEPT
 <AuthBy RADIUS>
  AuthBy Stuff

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Rogers [mailto:steve.rogers at icl.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:30 AM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: (RADIATOR) 'Drop' Intermin-Accounting

One of our dial providers is sending Interim-Accounting to Radiator, which
in turn is proxied to another Radius server to perform authentication. We
need to 'drop' these Interim-Accounting updates from Radiator so they are
not seen by the authenticating radius server.
Has anyone done this already? Do we need to write a handler to achieve this?

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