(RADIATOR) Calling-Station-Id Problem Demo

David Sexton ds at origin.net.au
Mon Jul 1 02:49:03 CDT 2002

Hi Mail List,

Have problems with Calling-Station-Id can not see any data for the Nas.
Called-Station-Id is working fine.
Old Radius Servers are still working and are showing Calling_Station-Id

Thankyou for the help
Here is a copy of my config.

#PidFile  ./radiusd.pid
LogDir          /var/log/radius
DbDir           /etc/radiator
# Use a low trace level in production systems. Increase
# it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag to radiusd
Trace           5

# Only listen on one network address
BindAddress xxxxxxxxxx

# Listen for authentication requests
AuthPort 1645

# Listen for accounting requests
AcctPort 1646

<Client DEFAULT>
        Secret xxxxxxx
        DupInterval 0

<Client xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Secret  xxxxxxxx
        NasType ascend
        DupInterval 0

<Client xxxxxxxxxxx>
        Secret  xxxxxxxxx
        NasType livingston
        DupInterval 0

<Client 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Secret xxxxxxxxx
        NasType cisco
        DupInterval 0

        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
        AcctLogFileName %L/detail

<AuthBy SQL>
##### iacbs Auth
        DBSource        dbi:InterBase:database=xxxxxx
        DBUsername      xxx
        DBAuth          xx

AuthSelect select access_passwd, staticip, idlelimit,\
netmask, sessionlimit, portlimit, portlimit from accounts where username =
and status = 'Open' and account_type <> 'EMAIL' and account_type <>

                AuthColumnDef   0,User-Password,check
                AuthColumnDef   1,Framed-IP-Address,reply
                AuthColumnDef   2,Idle-Timeout,reply
                AuthColumnDef   3,Framed-IP-Netmask,reply
                AuthColumnDef   4,Session-Timeout,reply
                AuthColumnDef   5,Port-Limit,reply

# Accounting Database in

        AccountingTable VOP_ACCOUNTING
        AcctColumnDef LOGDATE,Timestamp,integer-date,%Y-%m-%e
        AcctColumnDef LOGTIME,Timestamp,integer-date,%T
        AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name
        AcctColumnDef NASIPADDRESS,NAS-IP-Address
        AcctColumnDef NASPORTID,NAS-Port,integer
        AcctColumnDef SERVICETYPE,Service-Type
        AcctColumnDef FRAMEDPROTOCOL,Framed-Protocol
        AcctColumnDef FRAMEDADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address
        AcctColumnDef CALLINGSTATIONID,Calling-Station-Id
        AcctColumnDef NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
        AcctColumnDef ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
        AcctColumnDef ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef ACCTINPUTPACKETS,Acct-Input-Packets,integer
        AcctColumnDef ACCTOUTPUTPACKETS,Acct-Output-Packets,integer
        AcctColumnDef NASPORTTYPE,NAS-Port-Type
        AcctColumnDef CONNECTINFO,Connect-Info,integer
        AcctColumnDef SESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
        AcctColumnDef CALLED_NO,Called-Station-Id
        AcctColumnDef XMIT_RATE,Ascend-Xmit-Rate,integer
        Timeout 60
        FailureBackoffTime 30



log fine:
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from xxxxxxxxxxxx port 1032 ....

Packet length = 180
04 4a 00 b4 b3 cc 90 b9 21 d9 ad 97 e5 35 53 dc
af d8 37 e6 2c 0a 44 37 30 30 30 36 35 33 01 08
61 6c 62 72 61 64 04 06 ca 8b 90 02 05 06 00 00
00 22 3d 06 00 00 00 00 28 06 00 00 00 02 2e 06
00 00 02 7c 2d 06 00 00 00 01 4d 13 34 38 30 30
30 20 4c 41 50 4d 2f 56 34 32 42 49 53 2a 06 00
01 50 4d 2b 06 00 05 aa f2 1e 0a 35 34 34 30 32
30 30 30 31 06 00 00 00 01 1a 23 00 00 01 33 02
1d 55 73 65 72 20 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 2d 20
50 50 50 20 54 65 72 6d 20 52 65 71 06 06 00 00
00 02 07 06 00 00 00 01 08 06 ca 8b 90 73 29 06
00 00 00 00
Code:       Accounting-Request
Identifier: 74
Authentic:  <179><204><144><185>!<217><173><151><229>5S<220><175><216>7<230>
        Acct-Session-Id = "D7000653"
        User-Name = "albxxx"
        NAS-IP-Address =xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        NAS-Port = 34
        NAS-Port-Type = Async
        Acct-Status-Type = Stop
        Acct-Session-Time = 636
        Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
        Connect-Info = "48000 LAPM/V42BIS"
        Acct-Input-Octets = 86093
        Acct-Output-Octets = 371442
        Called-Station-Id = "54402000"
        Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request
        LE-Terminate-Detail = "User Request - PPP Term Req"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        Framed-IP-Address = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Acct-Delay-Time = 0

Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to albrad
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG:  Deleting session for albrad,, 34
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Handling accounting with Radius::AuthSQL
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: ERR: There is no value named 48000 LAPM/V42BIS for
attribute Connect-Info. Using 0.
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into VOP_ACCOUNTING
                ('2002-07- 1', '17:45:15', 'albxxxx', '', 34,
'Framed-User', 'PPP', 'xxxxxxxxx', 'Stop', 0, 86093, 371442, 636,
'User-Request', 'Async', 0, 'D7000653', '54402000')

Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Accounting accepted
Mon Jul  1 17:45:15 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1032 ....

Packet length = 20
05 4a 00 14 2b ec 3b 14 b3 e2 6c 1b c1 fc 53 cb
a0 03 bc 46
Code:       Accounting-Response
Identifier: 74
Authentic:  <179><204><144><185>!<217><173><151><229>5S<220><175><216>7<230>

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