(RADIATOR) Session SQL/Allocator SQL/Multichannel issues on MAX hardware

Justin Scott jhs at ocs-tx.com
Wed Jan 30 14:07:26 CST 2002

Hugh, et. al.,

I'm having an interesting set of issues now that I have Radiator running "like I want it" :)

Current configuration includes the following:
1) <AuthBy SQL> (which is properly configured to handle the extra reply fields mentioned in the below scenario)
2) <SessionDatabase SQL>
3) <AddressAllocator SQL>

So... That being said:

1) Customer A is configured for dual channel use (via modem or isdn).
2) subscribers.replyattr = 'Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2'
3) subscribers.maxsessions = '2'
4) Device connects both channels, and is bonded as expected.
5) Session Database shows two sessions (since the session id is different, I guess?)
6) SQL Allocator assigns one IP per sessionID, though the maxen only pay attention to the first IP that was used when the MP stack was setup on the first connected channel.

If I set subscribers.maxsessions = '1', of course it doesn't work because the sessions database doesn't realize this is MP and multiple channels may be considered one session... not a problem, I can live with this.

What I can't live with is SQL Allocator giving out two IPs when only one is necessary.  Is there any way to overcome this?  Does this also indicate that if I assigned a static IP using the REPLYATTR column that SQL Allocator would also lease a DynIP to the caller?

I appreciate everyone's help and insight to-date... And thanks in advance for helping me with the 'question of the day'. ;)

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