(RADIATOR) Hooks in Accounting only servers?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Jan 10 22:03:05 CST 2002

Hello Cassidy -

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:21, Cassidy B. Larson wrote:
> I'm working on a new little feature that takes the 'Account-Output-Octets'
> and 'Account-Input-Octets' within the Accounting Stop packet and
> increments a particular users monthly record in a table I have created. If
> there
> is not a record for the month with this username it creates one with the
> information.
> My current setup is that I have separated my Authentication and Accounting
> servers into two different config files while running two different
> Radiator processes
> each with its own config.
> Can PostAuthHooks work within an accounting only radiator?

Yes, hooks work for both authentication and accounting.

> I'm getting these errors in my accounting-logfile upon restarting my
> radius: ERR: Unknown keyword '...../raddb/datatransmit.hook' in
> /usr/local/etc/radius-accounting.cfg line 0
> Wierd I know...
> Here's a snipit from my radius-accounting.cfg file...
> <Handler Realm=infowest.com>
>         <AuthBy GROUP>
>                 AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
>                 <AuthBy GROUP>
>                         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
>                         AuthBy DefaultAuth
>                         <AuthBy FILE>
>                                 Filename /data/radiator/raddb/users
>                         </AuthBy>
>                         PostAuthHook
> file:"/data/radiator/raddb/datatransmit.hook"
> The file above does exist. Here is is, if anybody cares.. It doesn't
> produce any errors when
> run directly with perl.
> sub {
>         my $p = ${$_[0]};
>         my $identifier;
>         my $d;
>         my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
> localtime(time());
>         $year += 1900;
>         $mon += 1;
>         my $DATE = "'".$year."-".$mon."'";
>         my $username = $p->get_attr('Username');
>         my $class = $p->get_attr('Class');
>         my $IN = $p->get_attr('Acct-Input-Octets');
>         my $OUT = $p->get_attr('Acct-Output-Octets');
>         if (!$IN) { $IN = 0; }
>         if (!$OUT) { $OUT = 0; }
>         my $dbh =
> DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:****:**********","radiusupdate","*********");
>         if (($d = $dbh->do("SELECT USERNAME from DATATRANSMIT where
> USERNAME=if('$class' LIKE '%#IW', '
> $username\@infowest.com',if('$class' LIKE
> '%#NU','$username\@netutah.com','$username')) AND DATE=$DATE")) > 0) {
>                 $dbh->do("UPDATE DATATRANSMIT SET
> LIKE '%#IW', '$username\@infowest.com',if('$class' LIKE
> '%#NU','$username\@netutah.
> com','$username')) AND DATE=$DATE");
>         } else {
>                 $dbh->do("INSERT INTO DATATRANSMIT
> '$username\@infowest.com',if('$class' LIKE
> '%#NU','$username\@netutah.com','$username')),$DATE,$IN,$OUT)");
>         }
>         $dbh->disconnect || warn $dbh->errstr;
>         return;
> }
> Within the goodies/hooks.txt file that Hugh always refers people to, I see
> this:
> <Handler ....>
>         <AuthBy ....>
>                 ....
>         </AuthBy>
>         PostAuthHook file:"%D/replaceProfiles"
> </Handler>
> So I assume my syntax in my radius config is correct.. Problem being the
> error in the logfile.
> Ideas?

I suspect the problem is because the file:"..." is on a separate line.

<Handler Realm=infowest.com>
        <AuthBy GROUP>
                AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
                <AuthBy GROUP>
                        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
                        AuthBy DefaultAuth
                        <AuthBy FILE>
                                Filename /data/radiator/raddb/users

You should use a "\" to continue the line:

                        PostAuthHook \



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