(RADIATOR) Re: Restricting Hours for Passthrough Users

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jan 2 23:54:22 CST 2002

Hello Alex -

You will need to do this with a hook in the relevant Realm or Handler. There 
are some example hooks in the Radiator distribution in the file 



On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 12:30, Alex Fritz wrote:
> Hey,
>   Been going over a problem with restricting hours for a pass through user.
> Now, I have gotten direction from the newsgroup about keeping a table of
> users for passthrough with a time bank to allow me to authenticate their
> time, then using cascading authby statements to pass them on to the next
> server for authentication.  The problem with this is that then we have to
> keep a running (consistant) database of the passthrough users, which has to
> be synchronized with the people that hold the database at the passthrough
> server.  We're not really concerned with keeping track of specifics like
> which users are active or not, we just want to keep them from going over
> their time for a month because we feel we can trust the passthrough server
> to do it.  We thought we might make the system just add the user if he
> doesn't exist and then check the usage.  How in the world could you do this
> with Radiator? Is there possibly a way to do this if your database has
> Stored Procedure capabilities?  Thanks, I know this may be a length one.
> Alex Fritz
> NCN Internet
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