(RADIATOR) Rebuild Server Problems

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Jan 1 20:14:33 CST 2002

Hello Paul -

It looks to me like you are not using the configuration file that you have 
copied in your message. You should run "radiusd" by hand with the 
-config_file parameter explicitly stated to make sure you are getting the 
correct file, then do the same in your startup script.


	radiusd -config_file /etc/raddb/radius.cfg

I have copied Joanne on this mail and she will send you the username and 
password. BTW - the latest version is Radiator 2.19.



On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 09:22, Paul Black wrote:
> Yesterday, I lost my main hard disk and have had to rebuild
> my radius server from tape. I've also used this opportunity
> to upgrade from Redhat 6.0 to 7.2. I can get Radiator to
> run but it gets the following error. I would appreciate
> any help in getting this problem sorted out. I'm running
> the 2.14 Radiator. I'm happy to upgrade to the latest
> Radiator but need to be reminded of my password.
> Tue Jan  1 08:22:39 2002: NOTICE: Request from unknown client
> ignored Tue Jan  1 08:22:44 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 8003 ....
> Code:       Accounting-Request
> Identifier: 90
> Regards.  Paul

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