(RADIATOR) Rebuild Server Problems

Paul Black paulb at triode.net.au
Tue Jan 1 16:22:42 CST 2002

Yesterday, I lost my main hard disk and have had to rebuild
my radius server from tape. I've also used this opportunity
to upgrade from Redhat 6.0 to 7.2. I can get Radiator to
run but it gets the following error. I would appreciate
any help in getting this problem sorted out. I'm running
the 2.14 Radiator. I'm happy to upgrade to the latest
Radiator but need to be reminded of my password.

Tue Jan  1 08:22:39 2002: NOTICE: Request from unknown client ignored
Tue Jan  1 08:22:44 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 8003 ....
Code:       Accounting-Request
Identifier: 90

Regards.  Paul

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