(RADIATOR) AuthRADIUS (non)forking problem

Damir Dzeko damir.dzeko at iskon.hr
Wed Feb 27 02:55:48 CST 2002

Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au> writes:

> Hello Damir -
> As always, many thanks for your very valuable contributions.
> Mike will apply the fixes for the next release.

My coleagues & I are discussing an interesting idea. Would it
be possible to handle slow AuthRADIUS proxy requests in a single
process (forked out of main radiusd)?

That process would have a communication line with main radius
daemon through some socket (or whatever) and handle all slow
requests in one big select loop (instead of forking an extra
process to do the job for less then a few packets). That would
make more efficient use of system resources.


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