(RADIATOR) Radiator bug?

Nick Rogness nick at rogness.net
Tue Feb 26 19:47:32 CST 2002

There appears to be a bug of sorts in the RewriteFunction call.  Under
high loads, radiator would stop answering Access-Requests.  THe udp recv
buffers would pin out.  After further inspection, a level 4 trace
actually says everything was OK (Access-Accept) but the NAS would never
receive the packet.  After weeks of troubleshooting we nailed it down to
the Rewritefunction we were using.

<Handler Isp-Id=domain.com-CHAP>

	# this line is wrapping
	RewriteFunction sub { my ($a) = shift; my ($n) = 
	`/usr/local/bin/getvdomain-chap $a domain.com db1.gwtc.net 
	db2.gwtc.net`; return $n;}

During this "outage", sockstat (or lsof) would show that when
/usr/local/bin/getvdomain-chap was running, it too was listening on udp
1645 and 1646.  Keep in mind that during low traffic periods it would work
like a charm...

This happens on several different UNIX OS's.

However, getvdomain actually is suppose to talk to a DB, pull an id out of
the database, and authenticate based on the system password for that id.
I shutoff all that functionality when we started having problems. So all
it did was return the username and we authenticated off a flat users file.
This did not resolve the problem.

I finally had to use a RewriteUsername clause which fixed the problem
RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

The funny thing is, it says it is actually working.  The username is being
rewritten properly, etc.  It just stops working, radpwtst displays no
reply during this time.  As soon as traffic is shifted away, it recovers
and starts working again.  A packet dump on the wire reviels that some
packets are getting back to the NAS...in the order of 2/50.

Please advise as I can not find any documentation on RewriteFunction...did
it get taken out of the documentation or something?

Radiator version 2.18.4.

Nick Rogness <nick at rogness.net>
 - Don't mind me...I'm just sniffing your packets

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