(RADIATOR) Radiator on a Cobalt XTR

Radiator radiator at dalton.net
Wed Feb 20 13:11:42 CST 2002

I am trying to install Radiator 2.19 on a Cobalt XTR. I have got
Radiator installed and it test fine with "radpwtst", but I can not
get any external connections to authenticate.

I have radiusd starting in the inittab with the following command.

ra:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/radiusd -config_file
/usr/local/etc/radiator/radius.cfg -foreground

I also have my ports in /etc/services setup as follows.

radius          1645/tcp        radiusd
radius          1645/udp        radiusd
radacct         1646/tcp        
radacct         1646/udp
radius          1812/tcp        radiusd
radius          1812/udp        radiusd
radacct         1813/tcp
radacct         1813/udp

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Robbie Morrison
Internet at Dalton
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