(RADIATOR) Accounting logs problem

Merad Abdelkrim abdelkrim.merad at e-brands.fr
Wed Feb 20 03:52:58 CST 2002

Hi all,
I have a radiator version   2.18.4 installed on an OpenBSD 2.7.
I have Realms authenticated by LDAP
For that I use the rewriteUsername feature.
My problem is that in the accounting logs I don't have the field
"login at realm" but only "login"
It's a bloquing problem cause we must make accountings by realm in way to
establish bills.

If someone have a solution for me I will appreciate.

Thanks a lot

Here an extract of my radius.cfg :

<Realm client.domaine>
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                # The LDAP host to connect to
                # If not set, defaults to localhost
                Host           aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

                # If not set, defaults to 389
                # Can be a numeric port number or a service name
                # from /etc/services
                # Port          389

                # Not supported yet.


                # The base DN at which to start the search
                BaseDN          ou=client.domaine,o=co,c=FR
                # The LDAP host to connect to
                # If not set, defaults to localhost
                Host            aa.bb.cc.dd

                # If not set, defaults to 389
                # Can be a numeric port number or a service name
                # from /etc/services
                # Port          389

                # Not supported yet.


                # The base DN at which to start the search
                BaseDN          ou=xxx,o=yyyy,c=zzz

                # The attribute to match against User-Name
                UsernameAttr    login

                # The attribute that contains a plaintext password
                PasswordAttr    password

                # Optional attribute that contains an
                # encrypted password to use instead of PasswordAttr
              # EncryptedPasswordAttr sn

                # Optional attribute that contains check
                # items for the user
                # Optional attribute that contains reply
                # items for the user
                # Optional attribute that contains reply
                # items for the user
                #ReplyAttr      mail


        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
       AcctLogFileName %L/%Y%m%d_%H00.act

Merad Abdelkrim
Tel 0171081631
Mob 0622287223

7 Allée de l'Arche
92677 Courbevoie Cedex - La Défense
Tour Cèdre - 15ième étage

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