(RADIATOR) GRIC and <HOST> clause

Craig Gittens cgittens at sunbeach.net
Wed Dec 18 08:48:37 CST 2002


I was just wondering if this would work since I define my Clients in a SQL
DB and the NAS clients are going to be the same for all dialup parties.
(Your GRIC example in the Ref Manual assumes you have a different client
defined for the GRIC customers.)


	<AuthBy RADIUS>

		<Host a.b.c.d>
			Secret xxxxxxxx
			IgnoreAcctSignature (This isn't included in the Ref Manual as being a
valid entry here....)



I somehow don't think this will work since it is a client clause and not a
radius clause so how do I work around my NAS and IgnoreAcctSignature? If I
included it in the SQL table would it make a difference for my regular
realms? I read the REF guide on this flag but I am a bit daft and don't
understand the implications of it being put in for a NAS that DOESN'T need


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