Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Dec 9 15:51:56 CST 2002

Hello Eli -

Thanks for your note.

Radar is designed as a NOC monitoring/debug tool to be used 
interactively on a screen (in fact Radar uses Tk for Perl which uses 
the native graphics support on the host it is running on). Radar is not 
designed as a statistics gathering tool, nor as a service management 

If you want to collect statistics from Radiator, you should use the 
StatsLog clause. And if you want a tool to restart Radiator 
automatically and let you know why it did so, you should use the 
"restartWrapper" utility provided in the goodies directory for this 
purpose. See the relevant sections of the Radiator 3.4 reference manual.

I have copied this mail to Mike, as he may have some additional 



On Tuesday, Dec 10, 2002, at 08:13 Australia/Melbourne, Eli Tovbeyn 

> Hi!
> I've started to use RADAR recently. Is there a way to run RADAR as a
> daemon? If no, then I'm a little bit confused regarding the targets of
> this software.
> If it's statistics monitor , then why should I run X on in order to
> collect statistics? I want to run X only to view it - not to collect 
> the
> data.
> If it's server availability monitor, then again - why should I run X on
> in order to receive mail that my radius is down? And of coarse I
> wouldn't run such a software on my desktop - it's server's role. And my
> servers never NEVER run X.
> In bottom line I think that RADAR should be daemon with GUI. Otherwise
> it's loosing a lot of points. Daemon should monitor Radiator's status
> and send me an e-mail, not X application. Daemon should collect
> statistics while GUI can show the statistics, watch for errors in log
> files, but not sending e-mail!
> And of coarse another problem : what happens after system restarts at
> midnight? No one is logged in into X, no one has started the RADAR. So
> my monitoring system is down. Funny.
> Again, my letter is written under assumption that RADAR is not a daemon
> and can't be run as such.
> Your opinions are highly appreciated.
> Eli Tovbeyn
> ===
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