(RADIATOR) Re: NasType for Windows 2000

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Aug 30 21:01:39 CDT 2002

Hello Tunde -

The NasType parameter in a Client clause indicates to Radiator that it 
should do strict session limit checking by querying the NAS when session 
limits are exceeded. The actual mechanism for querying the NAS varies 
according to what the NAS actually supports (usually SNMP). As far as I 
know there is no mechanism for querying Windows, hence there is no point 
in setting a NasType for that client.

The code supports "NasType CiscoVPDN" (have a look in the "Radius/Nas" 
directory). Perhaps you could check this on a VPN concentrator, and if 
it works correctly, we can add "CiscoVPN" as well.



On Saturday, August 31, 2002, at 05:22 AM, Ayotunde Itayemi ((Tara)) 

> Hi All, Hi Hugh,
> What should the NasType value be for Windows 2000 server clients?
> Is there any benefit to configuring the NasType option for Win2K 
> clients -
> i.e., does radiator use it?
> Also, is the NasType "CiscoVPDN" in the version 3 manual correct or 
> should
> it read "CiscoVPN"
> Regards,
> Tunde I.

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