(RADIATOR) 'No such user' in radius.log
William Hernandez
whr at essnet.com
Fri Aug 30 11:47:39 CDT 2002
Hello everyone,
Testing on Radiator 3.3 with
radpwtst -user username -password badpassword
We see the message in radius.log
INFO: Access rejected for username: No such user.
Actually it should say:
INFO: Access rejected for username: Bad password.
The radius.cfg has:
<AuthBy SQL>
Identifier check-active
AuthSelect select password from customer \
CONVERT(binary(100),username)=CONVERT(binary(100),'%U') \
and active='Y'
AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
Note that the query returns a row, but the password is incorrect.
Please comment.
Thanks in advance,
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