(RADIATOR) Version 3.3 install
Chris Myers
c.myers at its.uq.edu.au
Thu Aug 29 01:17:05 CDT 2002
Hi Mike, Pavel,
The patched Makefile.PL on SPARC Solaris 8 was
installing the .pm files in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
instead of /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 where perl
expected it.
Pavel A Crasotin wrote:
> Hi, Mike.
> The same problem is on SPARC Solaris 8.
> I dont test new Makefile.PL yet.
> MM> Hello all,
> MM> a number of people have reported problems with the install process in version
> MM> 3.3. On Suse and FreeBSD, 'make install' will try to install library files
> MM> into /lib instead of the more usual /usr/lib.
> MM> We have uploaded a new Makefile.PL to the 3.3 patches area that should fix
> MM> this problem.
> MM> http://www.open.com.au/radiator/downloads/patches-3.3/Makefile.PL
> MM> Any further reports to me please.
> MM> Cheers.
> With respect,
> Pavel A Crasotin
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+ Chris Myers ~ c.myers at its.uq.edu.au
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