(RADIATOR) Unisphere ERX Vendor 4874 Attribute 24

Chris Patterson Chris.Patterson at transact.com.au
Mon Aug 26 19:07:24 CDT 2002

	This is the MAC address of the device requesting a pppoe connection.

VENDORATTR 4874 Unisphere-Pppoe-Description 24 string

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Morris [mailto:brian at netspeed.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 August 2002 9:17 AM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: (RADIATOR) Unisphere ERX Vendor 4874 Attribute 24

Unisphere ERX Vendor 4874 Attribute 24

Hi All,

This attribute number (24) does not appear in the latest dictionary file.
Does anyone know what it should be - we only just started receiveing them
after an ERX upgrade.


Brian Morris

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