(RADIATOR) LogMicroseconds

rcortez at info.com.ph rcortez at info.com.ph
Thu Aug 22 20:28:55 CDT 2002


    I want to know if what is the minimum response time required by 
radiator to an oracle server? if i'm using 2 different machines 1 for 
oracle and 1 for radiator? What if i'm using single machine running 
both oracle and radiator? Is my configuration right using <Log FILE>

AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646
DbDir /usr/local/etc/raddb

<Log FILE>
LogDir  /data/LOGFILE
LogFile %L/%Y-%m-%d-%H-logfile.log
Trace 4

<Client localhost>
        Secret mysecret
        DupInterval 60

        Secret mysecret
        DupInterval 60

<Handler Realm=test.info.com>
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        MaxSessions 1
        AcctLogFileName %L/TEST/%Y-%m-%d-detail
        AcctLogFileFormat %m %d %Y %H:%M:%S:%s NAS-IP-Address=%{NAS-IP-
Address} NAS-Port=%{NAS-Port} User-Name=%{User-Name} Called-Station-Id=%
{Called-Station-Id} Calling-Station-Id=%{Calling-Station-Id} Acct-
Status-Type=%{Acct-Status-Type} Service-Type=%{Service-Type} Acct-
Session-Id=%{Acct-Session-Id} Framed-Protocol=%{Framed-Protocol} Framed-
IP-Address=%{Framed-IP-Address} Acct-Session-Time=%{Acct-Session-Time}
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/testusers

Can I see the difference by microseconds in logfile? If not what is the 
right configuration that I must create to be able to log the timestamp 
with microseconds in my logfile?


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