(RADIATOR) Log SQL Trace 4 causes Radiator to hang.

gxspider at spidernet.net gxspider at spidernet.net
Mon Apr 8 05:11:50 CDT 2002


We have just purchased Radiator 3.0.
After evaluating 2.19 I installed ver 3.0 with no problems.
I am running Radiator on SunOS 5.8, Database is MS SQL Server 2000 on a
windows 2000 Server, and Im using Easysoft ODBC - ODBC Bridge. All database
activity works fine till now including <ClientListSQL>, <Authby SQL>,
<SessionDatabase SQL> and <AddressAllocator SQL>.

<Log SQL> works with a trace level of 3 but when trace is 4 or higher
Radiator stops responding.
Even kill <psid> does nothing I have to use kill -9 <psid>.
Is this a known bug?

Config file is as follows:

# Global /
LogDir		.
DbDir		.

# Put trace level to 4 sothat all logs can be sent to SQL !!
Trace 		4

# List NAS-Clients in DB
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	GetClientQuery	exec GetClientList

# IP Pool Defenition /
<AddressAllocator SQL>
	# This name allows us to refer to it from inside an AuthBy DYNADDRESS
	Identifier IPAllocator
	# DB Connection goes here
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	<AddressPool Pool1>
	<AddressPool Pool2>
	<AddressPool Pool3>

# Handlers start here /

#Handler for  Multilink for NAS-Port-Type 5, used for multilink connections
<Handler NAS-Port-Type=5>
	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

    <AuthBy SQL>
	# Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	# Default reply attributes
	AddToReplyIfNotExist User-Service-Type = Framed-User, Framed-Protocol =
PPP, Framed-Routing = None, Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP,
Framed-Filter-Id = "prot.out", Framed-MTU = 1500, Idle-Timeout = 1200,
Port-Limit = 1, Port-Message = "DYNPPP\r\n\n\rNow you are connected ..."

	# Do not check for default

	# Lets use our own stored procedure instead of a default query
	AuthSelect exec AuthUsr @login=%0


    # dont give an IP for second link.
    StripFromReply PoolHint

</Handler> #NAS-Port-Type 5

#Handler for Dynamic IPS for all Dialups
<Handler NAS-Address-Port-List=./portlist>
	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

    <AuthBy SQL>
	# Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	# Default reply attributes
	# Dont include Framed-Address =, Framed-Netmask =
	# .. this is assigned dynamicly from DB
	AddToReplyIfNotExist User-Service-Type = Framed-User, Framed-Protocol =
PPP, Framed-Routing = None, Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP,
Framed-Filter-Id = "prot.out", Framed-MTU = 1500, Idle-Timeout = 1200,
Port-Limit = 1, Port-Message = "DYNPPP\r\n\n\rNow you are connected ..."

	# Do not check for default

	# Lets use our own stored procedure instead of a default query
	AuthSelect exec AuthUsr @login=%0


	# This refers to the AddressAllocator to use
	Allocator IPAllocator

	# Use a PoolHint to define which IP Pool to use. (not used in this case)
	#PoolHint TestPool1

	# These parameters tell us how to set reply attribtues from the result of
the allocation.
	MapAttribute	yiaddr, Framed-Address
	MapAttribute	subnetmask, Framed-Netmask

	# The AuthBy block above sets the pseudo reply attribute
	# PoolHint as the clue to the address allocator need to strip it out at the
end of processing
	StripFromReply PoolHint


</Handler> #NAS-Address-Port-List=./portlist

#Default handler for all requests

    <AuthBy SQL>
	# Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	# You can arrange to log accounting to a file if the
	# SQL insert fails with AcctFailedLogFileName
	# That way you could recover from a broken SQL server
	AcctFailedLogFileName %D/missedaccounting

	# Default reply attributes
	AddToReplyIfNotExist User-Service-Type = Framed-User, Framed-Protocol =
PPP, Framed-Address =, Framed-Netmask =,
Framed-Routing = None, Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP,
Framed-Filter-Id = "prot.out", Framed-MTU = 1500, Idle-Timeout = 1200,
Port-Limit = 1, Port-Message = "DYNPPP\r\n\n\rNow you are connected ..."
	# Do not check for default

	# Lets try our own stored procedure instead of a default query
	AuthSelect exec AuthUsr @login=%0

	# Lets try our own stored procedure to keep track of who is online
	AcctSQLStatement exec AcctStatus @USERNAME='%u', @NASIDENTIFIER='%N',
@NASPORT=0%{NAS-Port}, @ACCTSESSIONID='%{Acct-Session-Id}',
@ACCTSTATUSTYPE='%{Acct-Status-Type}', @TIME_STAMP=%{Timestamp},

</Handler> #Default

# Session Database /
# Use sql for current Sessions and online pool!
<SessionDatabase SQL>
include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	AddQuery	exec SessionAdd @USERNAME='%u', @NASIDENTIFIER='%N',
@NASPORT=0%{NAS-Port}, @ACCTSESSIONID='%{Acct-Session-Id}',
@TIME_STAMP=%{Timestamp}, @FRAMEDIPADDRESS='%{Framed-IP-Address}',
@NASPORTTYPE='%{NAS-port-Type}', @SERVICETYPE='%{Service-Type}'
	DeleteQuery	exec SessionDel @NASIDENTIFIER='%N', @NASPORT=0%{NAS-Port}
	ClearNasQuery	exec SessionClearNAS @NASIDENTIFIER='%N'
	CountQuery	exec SessionCnt @USERNAME='%u'


# Log Database /
<Log SQL>
	include		%D/ODBCconn.inc

	Trace 4
	LogQuery insert into %3 (TIME_STAMP, PRIORITY, MESSAGE) values (%t, %0, %2)

# End of config.

gx at spidernet.net
(George Charalambous)
SpiderNet Services LTD.

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