Fwd: 718

Mahdi Al Saffar saffar2k at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 7 13:02:12 CDT 2002

Dear Support Staff;

We Zak of kuwait
username zakq8
password jicehe55

we had a problem of 718 users are failed to login

1- attached is the log file where you can find the error "duplicate request

2- can we get the error messages and meaning or how to solve it ?

best regards

Mahdi Alsaffar

From: "Mahdi Al Saffar" <saffar2k at hotmail.com>

>To: aemran at zakq8.com, saffar2k at hotmail.com
>Subject: 718
>Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 12:35:52
>Dear ahmed;
>we had 718 problem today , I am attaching the log file of radius where it
>shows the problem "duplicated request"

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