(RADIATOR) RE: Goin' Crazy

Frank Danielson fdanielson at dataonair.com
Wed Apr 3 09:41:14 CST 2002

Instead of using fork and synchronous you should probably look into doing
the AuthBy DYNADDRESS in a PostReplyHook which gets run after a reply from
your remote radius server. There are some examples of performing an AuthBy
in a hook in the goodies/hooks.txt file in the distribution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leon Oosterwijk [mailto:leon at isdn.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:07 AM
To: 'radiator at open.com.au'
Subject: (RADIATOR) RE: Goin' Crazy


I think I might have some more information on this. The problem seems to be
the AuthBy Radius. It does not do Synchronous by default. Instead, it
processes the AuthByRadius, sends a packet and moves on. 

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