(RADIATOR) logs on radiator 3

Jesús M Díaz jesus.diaz at ono.es
Wed Apr 3 07:20:08 CST 2002

Hello all,

how can i get logs of DEBUG level WITHOUT packet dump?

my LOG clause is:

<Log FILE>
  Filename %L/%Y/%m/AC-Logfile-%Y%m%d
  LogFormat %Y%m%d%H%M%S.%N %1: %2
  Identifier LogLab
  Trace 4

on radiator 2.18, with the same log clause i got debugs messages but
not the packet dump.



Jesus M Diaz <jesus.diaz at ono.es>

Planificación y Diseño de Red SAE

Tfno: +34 91 180 9109
Fax:  +34 91 180 9245

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