(RADIATOR) Timestamps

Jerome Fleury jeje at jeje.org
Mon Apr 1 06:24:17 CST 2002

--On dimanche 31 mars 2002 23:31 -0800 Steve Brown <steve at neteze.com> wrote:

> Well, if by unix timestamp you mean seconds past the epoch, just call
> 	date -r [timestamp]
> and the output will be a real date. You can adjust the format as necessary
> using plain old date formatting I believe. YMMV depending upon your OS

Or you can use this perl script (pipe your file into it):



sub epoch2time {
  ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = 
$opt_g==0?localtime(@_[0]):gmtime(@_[0]) ;

  sprintf("[ %d = %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d %s]", 
@_[0],$mday,1+$mon,1900 + $year,$hour,$min,$sec,$opt_g?"GMT":"");


while (<>) {
        $_ =~ s/\b(\d{9,10})\b/epoch2time($1)/ge ;
        print $_ ;

Jerome Fleury
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