(RADIATOR) Missing EAP-Message and 5399

ricky lists at caboolture.net.au
Sat Sep 29 19:09:07 CDT 2001


I am trying to migrate from Merit to Radiator 2.18.4. I have Accounting working OK but can't get Authentication going. I have noticed that others using 5399's have had a similar problem but I haven't seen the follow up message on the list saying how they got it working.



Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm=DEFAULT'
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG:  Deleting session for shirj,, 20
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthUNIX: System
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthUNIX looks for match with shirj
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Handling with EAP
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthUNIX REJECT: Missing EAP-Message
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: INFO: Access rejected for shirj: Missing EAP-Message
Sun Sep 30 09:45:35 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1655 ....
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: 155
Authentic:  <222><144><13><212><195><208><11><184><168> <10><157><141>p<8><0>
        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"

LogDir          /usr/local/radius/logs
DbDir           /usr/local/radius/raddb
# User a lower trace level in production systems:
Trace           4

SnmpgetProg     /usr/bin/snmpget
FingerProg      /usr/bin/finger
AuthPort        1645
AcctPort        1646
# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with
<Client monty.caboolture.net.au>
        Secret  xxxxxx
        NasType Bay8000SNMP
        DupInterval 0

<Client monty1.caboolture.net.au>
        Secret  xxxxxx
        NasType Bay
        DupInterval 0

<AuthBy UNIX>
        Identifier System
        Filename /etc/shadow

        <AuthBy UNIX>
                Identifier System
#               Filename /etc/shadow
#               EAPType notpermitted

        # Log accounting to a detail file
        AcctLogFileName %L/details

AcctLogFileFormat EXEC sp_ins_rad%{Acct-Status-Type} \
@login_time='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', \
@acct_session_id='%{Acct-Session-Id}', \
@acct_session_time=%{Acct-Session-Time}, \
@acct_input_packets=%{Acct-Input-Packets}, \
@acct_output_packets=%{Acct-Output-Packets}, \
@acct_input_octets=%{Acct-Input-Octets}, \
@acct_output_octets=%{Acct-Output-Octets}, \
@acct_terminate_cause='%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', \
@user_name='%{User-Name}', \
@nas_ip_address='%{NAS-IP-Address}', \
@nas_port=%{NAS-Port}, \
@nas_port_type='%{NAS-Port-Type}', \
@service_type='%{Service-Type}', \
@framed_protocol='%{Framed-Protocol}', \
@acct_authentic='%{Acct-Authentic}', \
@acct_delay_time=%{Acct-Delay-Time}, \
@connect_info='%{Connect-Info}', \
@called_station_id='%{Called-Staton-Id}', \
@calling_station_id='%{Calling-Station-Id}', \
@annex_tx_speed='%{Annex-Transmit-Speed}', \
@annex_rx_speed='%{Annex-Received-Speed}', \

        <AuthLog FILE>
                Identifier myauthlogger
                Filename %L/authlog
                LogSuccess 1
                LogFailure 1

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