(RADIATOR) Radiusd got killed because OUT OF MEMORY

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Sep 25 22:18:41 CDT 2001

Hello Leon -

I will need to see a copy of your configuration file and a trace 4 debug from 
Radiator showing what is going on. I will also need to know what versions of 
Radiator, Perl and all Perl modules you are using.

This sort of problem is usually due to Perl modules not releasing memory, 
although Radiator has also had a couple of similar issues itself.

Can you also tell me how long it takes for this to happen? And can you also 
do a number of "ps ..." commands to see how much memory the various processes 
are taking?



On Wednesday 26 September 2001 05:56, Leon wrote:
> Has anybody ever got a problem like radiusd process got killed because the
> system is out of memory? I have a radiator server on Intel Redhat 7.1, with
> PIII 866 processor and 512 MB memory. The process sometimes got killed when
> the system load average is as high as more than 6.0(measured with uptime,
> usually below 1.0) and then log said "Out of memory". I don't know if the
> hardware is not power enough or I need more memory than 512 to handle this.
> Thanks for any suggestion.
> Leon
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