(RADIATOR) Response IP

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Sep 25 22:46:53 CDT 2001

Hello Derek -

You can use the BindAddress global parameter to bind Radiator to a particular 
IP address. However, it is usually the underlying operating system that 
chooses which interface to actually route the traffic over.



On Wednesday 26 September 2001 01:55, Derek Buttineau wrote:

> > Silly question...
> Is there a way to have radiator reply with a different IP other than the
> default IP of the server that it's hosted on.
> The reason I ask is I'm running Radiator on a box with 2 nics and I want
> the radius traffic to come through the one nic and the other traffic
> through the other.. however it replies with the main ip of the server which
> is coming through the other nic and messes things up =(
> Derek

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