(RADIATOR) Config problem.

Quintin Lam wtlam at macau.ctm.net
Mon Sep 17 22:32:09 CDT 2001

Dear Hugh,

My configuration as below

<AuthBy LDAP>
    Identifier accessbb
    Host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Port 389
    AuthDN      xxxx
    AuthPassword        xxxx
    BaseDN      ou=xxxx,o=xxxx,o=CTM
    Scope       base
    UsernameAttr        uid
    PasswordAttr        userpassword
    AuthAttrDef accessbb,NAS-Address-Port-List,check
    SearchFilter (&(accessbb=accessbb)(uid=%1))

We have an file named accessbb which is used for "AuthAttrDef" above. We
notice that everytime the file is changed, we must kill the radiusd daemon
and start again. The accessbb file cannot be read after sending a signal
"HUP" to radiusd.



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