(RADIATOR) Multiple realms in handler

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Sep 17 19:29:37 CDT 2001

Hello Steinar -

On Monday 17 September 2001 20:16, sthaug at nethelp.no wrote:
> > > For example we'd like to block calls from 0265773xxx and 0265774xxx to
> > > 0265473002. What is the most effective way of implementing this?
> > > A specific handler, or combination with database.
> >
> > The best way to do this probably depends on what else you have
> > configured, however here is a Handler to do it:
> OK, assuming we're using AuthBy SQL to authenticate users against a Mysql
> database - what would be the best way to create a "blacklist" facility for
> specific phone numbers?

This has been discussed on this list before, so check the archive to see the 
previous discussion.

In any case, you might do something like this:

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier CheckBlackList
	AuthSelect select ACTION from BLACKLIST \
		where NUMBER = '%{Calling-Station-Id}'
	AuthColumnDef 0, GENERIC, check

<AuthBy SQL>
	Identifier CheckUsers

# define Realm(s) or Handler(s)

<Handler .....>
	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
	AuthBy CheckBlackList
	AuthBy CheckUsers


The BLACKLIST table would contain something like this:

111111111	Auth-Type = Reject
222222222	Auth-Type = Reject
DEFAULT	Auth-Type = Accept

There are many variations possible.



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