(RADIATOR) Accounting-Response - While we're on the topic...

Brian Morris brian at netspeed.com.au
Tue Sep 4 19:31:50 CDT 2001

We have configured our sql servers accounting table to reject duplicate
accounting records by setting the username+acctsessionid+sessiontime to be
the primary key (no duplicates permitted)

When the NAS sends a duplicate accounting record, sql/radiator spits out an
error and does not write the packet to the SQL database (this part is good).

My questions is - what does radiator then do with the Accounting Reply to
the NAS - does it send back an acknowledgement or does it do nothing
therefore making the NAS send the Acct packet again, and again, and
again....(that would be bad)

Kind regards,

Brian Morris

PS:  Does anyone have a better way to prevent duplicate accounting records?

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