(RADIATOR) Connection failure with MySQL

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Oct 31 23:27:31 CST 2001

Hello Gustavo -

>	Yes, but there was any troubles with it...
>	I've fixed it and now it's working.
>	Thanks to all that have helped me.
>	In addition of all this stuff, I have another "little" doubt...
>	I need to authenticate users from 5 realms in separated servers,
>and forward all unknown realms to another server.  This is now done with
>a Cistron proxy radius.  But due to some troubles with attributes
>forwarding, we are trying Radiator, and our actual cistron setup needs to
>be migrated to Radiator...
>	The thing is that we have 3 NASes, one of them allocate their own
>addresses pool.  The other two nas addresses pools are allocated by the
>radius proxy, using the port in which the user connects as modifier in the
>pools.  For example: if user connects in port 3 of NAS1, then user IP will
>be ( + NASport). In addition, some users need to
>have fixed IP addresses, so I made some entries in the "users" file, to
>enable this (as in cistron).
>	The question is:
>	a) I need to assign one of two pools depending of which NAS the
>user connects to.  This is mandatory...
>	b) The pools must be administred through any kind of method (MySQL
>is a way that I've "half" implemented).
>	c) Users that needs fixed addresses must get them without
>	Here is a sample of my "test":
><AddressAllocator SQL>
>         Identifier MisPooles
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:RADIUS
>         DBUsername      Pepe
>         DBAuth          JuAniTo
>         <AddressPool Pool1>
>                 Subnetmask
>                 DNSServer
>                 DNSServer
>                 Range
>         </AddressPool>
>         <AddressPool Pool2>
>                 Subnetmask
>                 DNSServer
>                 DNSServer
>                 Range
>         </AddressPool>
><Realm juanete.com>
>         <AuthBy RADIUS>
>                 Host
>                 Secret PePiTo
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy DYNADDRESS>
>                 Allocator MisPooles
>		# This is not working as I need...
>         </AuthBy>
>	As you can see, I've got no idea about how to select one or
>another pool according to the NAS the users choose to connect to.
>	I believe that there is a way to make it, but I'm a newbie with
>Radiator, and I really need to make it works!
>	What can I do to get all this work with Radiator?

The problem you have is due to the way the AuthBy RADIUS clause 
works, which means that you cannot use a configuration like that 
shown above.

You will need to use a ReplyHook in the AuthBy RADIUS clause to do 
the address allocation. There is an example of such a hook in the 
file called "goodies/hooks.txt" in the Radiator distribution.

If you have any further problems, please contact me.




NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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