(RADIATOR) Connection failure with MySQL

Gustavo Castro Puig gcastro at ifxnw.com.uy
Wed Oct 31 14:20:57 CST 2001


	Yes, but there was any troubles with it...
	I've fixed it and now it's working.

	Thanks to all that have helped me.

	In addition of all this stuff, I have another "little" doubt...

	I need to authenticate users from 5 realms in separated servers,
and forward all unknown realms to another server.  This is now done with
a Cistron proxy radius.  But due to some troubles with attributes
forwarding, we are trying Radiator, and our actual cistron setup needs to
be migrated to Radiator...
	The thing is that we have 3 NASes, one of them allocate their own
addresses pool.  The other two nas addresses pools are allocated by the
radius proxy, using the port in which the user connects as modifier in the
pools.  For example: if user connects in port 3 of NAS1, then user IP will
be ( + NASport). In addition, some users need to
have fixed IP addresses, so I made some entries in the "users" file, to
enable this (as in cistron).
	The question is:

	a) I need to assign one of two pools depending of which NAS the
user connects to.  This is mandatory...
	b) The pools must be administred through any kind of method (MySQL
is a way that I've "half" implemented).
	c) Users that needs fixed addresses must get them without

	Here is a sample of my "test":
<AddressAllocator SQL>
        Identifier MisPooles
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:RADIUS
        DBUsername      Pepe
        DBAuth          JuAniTo
        <AddressPool Pool1>
        <AddressPool Pool2>

<Realm juanete.com>
        <AuthBy RADIUS>
                Secret PePiTo
        <AuthBy DYNADDRESS>
                Allocator MisPooles
		# This is not working as I need...
	As you can see, I've got no idea about how to select one or
another pool according to the NAS the users choose to connect to.
	I believe that there is a way to make it, but I'm a newbie with
Radiator, and I really need to make it works!

	What can I do to get all this work with Radiator?

	Any kind of help will be *VERY* appreciated!!!

	Gustavo Castro Puig.
	G.C.P. Software

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> Hello Gustavo -
> Have you installed and configured the DBI/DBD modules for Perl?
> regards
> Hugh
> >Hi guys,
> >
> >	I'm trying to set up a radiator server with a MySQL server only to
> >assign three address pools.  The trouble is that radiator can't connect to
> >the sql server, and I don't understand the reason why.
> >
> >	If I use command line mysql monitor, I can connect and make the
> >queries, but the server can't do it.
> >	May be something with perl stuff, or it's something with Radiator?
> >
> >	MySQL version is 3.23.40.
> >
> >realone:~/Radiator-2.18.4 # ./radiusd -config_file radius.cfg -trace 5
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Checking address
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Query is: select STATE from RADPOOL where
> >YIADDR=''
> >
> >Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at
> >Radius/SqlDb.pm line 136, <FILE> line 111.
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
> >DBI->connect dbi:mysql:RADIUS, , :
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
> >Request is ignored. Backing off for 600 seconds
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Checking address
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Query is: select STATE from RADPOOL where
> >YIADDR=''
> >
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Checking address
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Query is: select STATE from RADPOOL where
> >YIADDR=''
> >
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: Reclaiming expired leases
> >Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: DEBUG: do query is: update RADPOOL set STATE=0
> >where STATE!=0 and EXPIRY < 1004469893
> >
> >realone:~/Radiator-2.18.4 # Tue Oct 30 16:24:53 2001: INFO: Server
> >started:
> >Radiator 2.18.4 on real1
> >
> >	This is an entry of radius.cfg
> >----------------------8<----------------------------
> >[...]
> ><AddressAllocator SQL>
> >         Identifier SQLAllocator
> >         DBSource        dbi:mysql:RADIUS
> >[...]
> >---------------------->8----------------------------
> >
> >	I will appreciate any king of help.
> >	Thanks in advance!
> >
> >Saludos,
> >	Gustavo Castro Puig.
> >	G.C.P. Software
> >	http://www.gcpsoftware.com.uy
> >
> >===
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> NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.
> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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