(RADIATOR) sesion-timeout per client

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Oct 30 09:35:07 CST 2001

Hello Arwin -

>How can I add a session-timeout attribute on a per client basis?
>When I use AddToReply SessionTimeout=1800 in a handler, it works fine for
>this handler.
>But I want to do this on a per client basis. I think I'll have to use some
>sort of hook,
>but the client clause only knows PreHandlerHook in wich you can't add
>reply-attributes ...

You have a couple of options for doing this. The first thing to do is 
use Identifiers in the Client clauses:

# define Clients

<Client .....>
	Identifier XXX

<Client .....>
	Identifier YYY

# define Handlers

<Handler Client-Identifier = XXX>
	AddToReply Session-Timeout = 1800

<Handler Client-Identifier = YYY>

Another possibility is to use cascaded AuthBy clauses like this:

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy ....>
	Identifier YourNormalAuthBy

<AuthBy FILE>
	Identifier CheckClients
	Filename %D/checkclients

# define Realms or Handlers

<Handler ...>
	AuthBy CheckClients

Then the file checkclients would contain something like this:

# checkclients

DEFAULT Client-Identifier = XXX, Auth-Type = YourNormalAuthBy
	Session-Timeout = 1800,

DEFAULT Client-Identifier = YYY, Auth-Type = YourNormalAuthBy

There are other options too.




NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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