(RADIATOR) Proxy pbs

Gustavo Moreira gmoreira at arnet.com.ar
Fri Oct 12 13:35:46 CDT 2001

    If you like wait the reply and then to respond to the NAS. You would have to see the 6.29.17 item Synchronous

Gustavo Moreira.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Romain Vergniol 
  To: radiator at open.com.au ; hugh at open.com.au 
  Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:23 PM
  Subject: (RADIATOR) Proxy pbs

  I'm trying to set up a proxy that would be able to forward accounting to a different server.
  So I tried something like this (described in the reference manual) :
  <Realm DEFAULT>
          AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
           <AuthBy RADIUS>
                  Host 172.29.xx.xx
                  Host 172.29.xx.yy
                  AuthPort 1645
                  LocalAddress 172.29.yy.yy
                 <Host 172.29.xx.xx>
                          Secret xxxxxxxxxxx
                  <Host 172.29.xx.yy
                         Secret xxxxxxxxxx
           <AuthBy RADIUS>
                  Host 172.29.xx.zz
                  AcctPort 1646
                  Secret xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  LocalAddress 172.29.yy.yy
  The problem is that authentication is always accepted ... 
  So I tried with "IgnoreAuth..." and "IgnoreAcct..." but it doesn't seem to work.
  What's the way to properly configure this proxy ?
  Service Réseau Boulogne
  Fax : 33 01 46 03 45 95
  Tel  : 33 01 49 09 84 02
  romain.vergniol at cegedim.fr
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