Accouting File

Rod Strumbel RStrumbel at
Wed Oct 3 13:54:59 CDT 2001

I finally got my validation process working with multiple <AuthBy FILE>
sections, but am still
not getting any entries in the  AcctLogFileName file.

If I run the radpwtst program, it DOES put a start and stop entry into that
AcctLogFileName file,
but actual dialup validations are not writing anything to that file.

If I look at the logfile generated, it is obvious what the problem is, but I
can't figure out how to resolve it.

The logfile shows that when I run the radpwtst program an ACCESS REQUEST and
an ACCOUNTING REQUEST are generated.

But when I validate a dialup user, only an ACCESS REQUEST is generated.

I have reproduced the radius.cfg file here, as it is really simple and
straight forward.

	# radius.cfg
	LogDir /var/log/radius
	DbDir /etc/radiator
	AcctPort 1813
	AuthPort 1812
	Trace 4
	<Client DEFAULT>
		Secret testsecret
		DupInterval 2
		NasType Cisco
	<Realm DEFAULT>
		<AuthBy FILE>
			Filename %D/userfiles/dialup56k
		<AuthBy FILE>
			Filename %D/userfiles/dialupISDN
		<AuthBy FILE>
			Filename %D/userfiles/Unknown
		AcctLogFileName %L/details

Any ideas?

Are there any other suggestions for this configuration?
I want to keep it really simple, as the personnel who maintain it
are not all that technical savvy.

Thanks again for the help,

Rod Strumbel

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