(RADIATOR) Concatenating or modifying values for SQL accounting

Ward, Josh jward at csuchico.edu
Wed Oct 3 15:47:18 CDT 2001


I'm a new radiator user, so I hope this isn't a silly question.

In my SQL accounting database, I have a field that I need to keep the
'connection info' in.  Basically, what I'd like to stash in that field is
the information about what speed the user had when the initially connected
as passed in the Ascend-Data-Rate and Ascend-Xmit-Rate by my CiscoAS5300.  

What I need is something like:

AcctColumnDef     connect_info,Ascent-Data-Rate\/Ascend-Xmit-Rage

So that the entry in the database would look something like:

Is there any way to do this?



Josh Ward, Network Management and Design
California State University, Chico

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