(RADIATOR) Radiator Proxy

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Nov 28 15:21:19 CST 2001

Hello Jeffrey -

This is entirely a NAS issue. You will have to check with the NAS 
vendor to see if it is possible to configure the NAS to send these 
attributes in the START packet.



At 10:22 -0500 01/11/27, Jeffrey M Donley wrote:
>I am being sent radius requests from a proxy Radiator Radius Server 
>to my radius servers. I noticed that I get "Ascend-Xmit-Rate" and 
>"Ascend-Data-Rate" on STOP records and Authentication Requests, but 
>not on START Accounting packets. I am after getting those attributes 
>sent on the start record so I can view connection speed while the 
>user is on line out of my SQL database. The Administrator of the 
>proxy server can not seem to find an option for this. Is this 
>Any help would be greatly appreciated
>Jeffrey M Donley
>Lebanon MobileFone


NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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