(RADIATOR) Assign Addresses by Pool

Shane Malden maldensh at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 20 22:17:38 CST 2001

I will be using Radiator to reply with an Address from a Pool. DHCP would be
my best option, but the IP pool would be -> .254.  If you are
able to help, it would be appreciated.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Irvine" <hugh at open.com.au>
To: "Shane Malden" <smalden at bigpond.net.au>; "Shane Malden"
<maldensh at hotmail.com>; <radiator at open.com.au>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Assign Addresses by Pool

> Hello Shane -
> Do you want Radiator to manage this pool? Or do you want the NAS to manage
> the pool? If it is Radiator, you can either use the FramedGroup construct
> (assuming simple NAS-Port numbers) or you can use an AuthBy DYNADDRESS
> either an SQL address pool or a DHCP address pool.
> I'm happy to help as always.
> regards
> Hugh
> On Tuesday 20 November 2001 15:31, Shane Malden wrote:
> > I would like to assign a NAS IP addresses from a Pool (192.168.0.x /24).
> > am authenticating by file. If any one can help, it would be appreciated.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Shane
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