Dave Kitabjian dave at corp.netcarrier.com
Fri Nov 9 07:11:02 CST 2001

"NB". We have all seen it at the bottom of Hugh's emails while on
travel. "But what", you've asked yourself, "does NB mean?"

And right you should. As you would expect from someone of Hugh's level
of erudition, the term is from Latin. It stands for "nota bene", which
means "note well; take notice".

An example of its usage from 1721 can be found in M. Prior's "Daphne and
Apollo" (65):

	"Next, nota bene, you shall never rove."

I hope this clears up the confusion. Perhaps this should be added to the
Radiator manual?


> regards
> Hugh
> --
> NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our
> correspondence.


Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
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