(RADIATOR) Feature Req: AuthBy INLINE

Neale Banks neale at lowendale.com.au
Thu May 24 19:53:51 CDT 2001

In some recent replies (including to one of my queries), Hugh has
suggested "steering" auth requests by using <AuthBy FILE> with a file of
very few entries, typically with "DEFAULT Check-item=foo,Auth-Type=bar".

Whilst this appears a technically elegant and efficient solution, IMHO it
scores miserably in the readibility department (from the perspective of
looking at the config file, 'cause flow therin is directed by data in
another file).

I suspect that readability could be greatly improved by having a feature
something like this:

	<AuthBy INLINE>
			CheckItems Check-item=foo,Auth-Type=bar

Of course, you might want ReplyItems available in there too ;-)

Downside is that changing this data would require the daemon to be HUPed,
whereas changing the same data in a file now is automagically picked up by

Anyone else see value in this one?


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