(RADIATOR) Problem with AuthBy RADIUS after upgrade to 2.18.1

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed May 16 19:08:20 CDT 2001

Hello Mark -

The key here is probably what AuthByPolicy you are using to control 
the two AuthBy clauses. I have also copied this to Mike so he can 
take a look.



At 19:06 +0100 16/5/01, mark at eclipse.net.uk wrote:
>We have been running Radiator 2.16.3 for sometime and recently upgraded
>to 2.18.1.  Since doing this we have experience problems with a some
>that use AuthBy Radius and AuthBy LDAP, I am not sure if it is a bug with
>2.18.1 or just a duff config that happened to work by chance under 2.16.3 ?
>Handler config is as follows:
>         <AuthBy RADIUS>
>                 Host n.n.n.n,n.n.n.n
>                 Secret xxxxxxxx
>                 LocalAddress n.n.n.n
>                 NoForwardAuthentication
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy LDAP>
>                 Host  
>                 Port            389
>                 AuthDN          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                 AuthPassword    xxxxxxxxxxxx
>                 HoldServerConnection
>                 BaseDN          xxxxxxxxxxx
>                 SearchFilter    (&(uid=$name)(objectstatus=enable))
>                 UsernameAttr    uid
>                 PasswordAttr    userpassword
>                 AuthAttrDef     rasservicetype,Service-Type,check
>                 AuthAttrDef     etc, etc
>                 AddToReplyIfNotExist
>                 NoDefault
>         </AuthBy>
>Under 2.18.1 it will authenticate the user and return no attributes.  Under
>2.16.3 it works
>fine.  If I remove the <AuthBy Radius> then the attributes are returned
>correctly, but
>I don't log accounting records :(
>Is this a problem with 2.18.1 or is my config fundamentally flawed !
>Eclipse Internet - Network Operations <noc at eclipse.net.uk>
>Tel: 01392 333309 Fax: 01392 333319 Web: http://www.eclipse.co.uk/
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