(RADIATOR) Nasidentifier format

Tuncay MARGILIC tuncay.margilic at sbs.com.tr
Wed Jun 27 02:54:40 CDT 2001


I am having problem on getting the Nas-Identifier in the correct format for

I have 2 Nas-Identifier attributes in my dictionary;

4	Nas-Idenfier	ipaddr
32	Nas-Identifier	strig

All the logs show that the Nas-Identifier is string (NAS-Identifier =
"aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd"). When I change string to ipaddr for attr 32 it becomes
(NAS-Identifier = faa/fooo/doo). The " signs disappear but the ip is invalid
to use in a billing system.

I want all the accounting records Nas-Identifier without the " sign. 

Eg: Nas-Identifier = aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

Tuncay Margilic
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