(RADIATOR) Authentication Thru Radiator with system passwd file

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Jun 22 07:50:17 CDT 2001

Hello Javaid -

>Hello !
>Would  you plese let me know how to configure Radiator's radius.cfg file
>for authentication through
>Linux default passwd file ie /etc/passwd which is in our case is flat
>one not shadow.Further more we
>want to authenticate from Livingston Access Server throu Radiator server
>which is on Linux 6.2 having
>flat passwd file.
>Any assistance will be highly appreciated .

You would simply specify an AuthBy UNIX clause, like this:

	<AuthBy UNIX>
		Filename /etc/passwd

Note that you will only be able to use PAP authentication with this setup.




NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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