(RADIATOR) Re: Problem about Time check item
chairath at lensodatacom.co.th
Fri Jun 22 02:49:43 CDT 2001
Hi Hugh,
I have done following your suggestion and I found that I can control
Times of Day which user
is allowed to log on. But I 've got a problem about RADUSERS and
In log file you can see that after user test2 at qnetadsl log out ,
Radiator then din't do query update
RADUSERS Table ( e.g. TIMELEFT ) and didn't do query insert into
RADUSAGE Table also.
How can I fix it?
Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Chairarth - You cannot configure Radiator as you have shown
> below - you will need to use cascaded AuthBy clauses, something like
> this: # define AuthBy FILE <AuthBy FILE>Identifier CheckUsersFilename
> %D/adsl.users</AuthBy> # define Realms <Realm qnetadsl>AuthBy
> CheckUsers</Realm> Then in the file "adsl.users", something like
> this: # define DEFAULT users DEFAULT Prefix = S, Time =
> "SaSu0000-2359", Auth-Type RADMINAUTH DEFAULT Prefix = P, Time =
> "Wk2200-0000", Auth-Type RADMINAUTH hth Hugh At 5:16 PM +0700
> 6/21/01, chairarth wrote:
>> Hi Hugh,
>> Our concept is customer who login with username Sxxx at qnetadsl will
>> be allowed to log on only on Saturday-Sunday , and only on Monday -
>> Friday from 22:00 - 00:00 for username Pxxx at qnetadsl
>> So I try to use Time and Prefix check item but it show error like
>> these
>> ERR : Unknow keyword 'DEFAULT'
>> ERR : Unknow keyword 'Time'
>> How can I fix it ?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Chairath
>> P.S. Now I'm implement RADIATOR version 2.18.2 and RADMIN version
>> 1.4 based on Windows NT
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