chairarth chairath at lensodatacom.co.th
Thu Jun 21 02:26:13 CDT 2001


I'm facing problem about RADONLINE Table. First ,I make a connection
with username test2 at qnetadsl.
After 11 seconds , I diconnect it but the Current Sessions Widnows at
RADMIN still show this session. So I try to look at logfile to see what
happen ,and I find something wrong.

In log file you can see that after user test2 at qnetadsl login , Radiator
then do query insert RADONLINE Table with NASPORT = 01644167268 . But
after test2 at qnetadsl logout , Radiator do query delete RADONLINE Table
where NASPORT = 0 . Can somone help me to fix this problem.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Now I'm implement RADIATOR version 2.18.2 and RADMIN version 1.4
based on Windows NT
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