(RADIATOR) Problem with Ascend
Craig O'Toole
craig at remex.com.au
Wed Jun 6 18:58:27 CDT 2001
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Craig O'Toole
07/06/2001 00:02
To: Edwin_Everett at cargill.com
Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Problem with Ascend (Document link not converted)
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Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Problem with Ascend
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I have not done this yet, and have the same issue as Ganbold. I would
assume that another way to solve this is to set up user accounts called
banner etc... and have radiator respond to these with the flags that are
required rather than turning them off altogether. By respond, I mean just
send the flags, not an accept packet, just a flag. This way, there would be
no login possible. This way, we can have stacked MAX's and have configs
based on dynamic info generated from a "smart" config in radiator. Alas, I
don't even know enough about radiator to know if this is possible
I am interest if anyone has done this, I havn't as yet, it is still on my
list of to-do.
The messages do not appear to harm anything, after they are rejected by
radiator, they go away till the next reboot or reconfig of the radius port
/ ip address.
PS: I should get out the email ettiquete notes, please don't get messed up
in a flame.
PPS: Thanks to regular input to the list by others, I have not needed to
ask a couple of silly questions. Hopefully we will also be able to
contribute from the experiances and success in our business.
Edwin_Everett at cargill.com on 06/06/2001 20:32:35
To: ganbold at micom.mng.net, hugh at open.com.au,
radiator at open.com.au
Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Problem with Ascend
>You should be able to stop the Ascend from sending these requests
by configuring it appropriately.
What kind of crappy comment is that? "If you did it right...nyeah..."
cut the snide remarks and give your advice like a big boy.
-----Original Message-----
From: hugh at open.com.au [mailto:hugh at open.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:00 AM
To: ganbold at micom.mng.net; radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Problem with Ascend
Hello Ganbold -
You should be able to stop the Ascend from sending these requests
by configuring it appropriately. Otherwise, you can just add dummy user
entries with these names so they get processed. You will probably want
to use
an "Auth-Type = Reject" so these names cannot be used to log in.
On Thursday 07 June 2001 04:26, ganbold wrote:
> Hello,
> We have problem with Ascend Max with Radiator 2.18.1.
> Ascend sends garbage something like banner, initial-banner, route1
> I read FAQ and configured Ascend in that way but again it didn't solve
> the problem.
> What should I do in this case? I searched through mailing list but
> like there is no solution.
> Is there any solution exits?
> thanks in advance,
> Ganbold
> ===
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Craig O'Toole
Remex Consulting
Ph +61 2 9437 9122
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